Fires when a user clicks on an element
Fires when a user right-clicks an element
Fires on a mouse double-click on the element
Fires when a mouse button is pressed down on an element
Fires when the mouse pointer moves into an element
Fires when the mouse pointer moves out of an element
Fires when the mouse pointer is moving while it is over an element
Fires when the mouse pointer moves out of an element
Fires when the mouse pointer moves over an element
Fires when a mouse button is released over an element
Deprecated. Use the onwheel attribute instead
Fires when the mouse wheel rolls up or down over an element
If the ALT key is pressed
Which mouse button is pressed
Which mouse buttons were pressed
The X coordinate of the mouse pointer (window relative)
The Y coordinate of the mouse pointer (window relative)
if the CTRL key is pressed
the details about an event
if the META key is pressed
The X coordinate of the mouse pointer (target relative)
The Y coordinate of the mouse pointer (target relative)
The X coordinate of the mouse pointer (document relative)
The Y coordinate of the mouse pointer (document relative)
The element that triggered the mouse event
The X coordinate of the mouse pointer (screen relative)
The Y coordinate of the mouse pointer (screen relative)
If the SHIFT key is pressed